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HiEx Foam Estimator
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Viking’s HiEx Foam Estimator helps users efficiently calculate the quantity of foam generators needed in high expansion foam systems. Step through the selection requirements below to calculate system needs. Need some help? Our helpful tutorial below provides tips and information to help you make your way through the tool.

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Step 1 - Choose Design Standard What's This?

NFPA 409 – Standard on Aircraft Hangars, 2016 Edition (Note: earlier editions may apply per your state requirements)

Choose this design standard if you are designing a commercial or private aircraft hangar.

UFC 4-211-01, Unified Facilities Criteria, Aircraft Maintenance Hangars, Change 2, May 18, 2020

Choose this design standard if you are designing for the US Military, Department of Defense.

Step 2 - Choose your Hangar Group What's This?

A Group I aircraft hangar shall have at least one of the following features and operating conditions:

(1) An aircraft access door height over 8.5 m (28 ft)

(2) A single fire area in excess of 3716 m2 (40,000 ft2)

(3) Provision for housing an aircraft with a tail height over 8.5 m (28 ft)

A Group II aircraft hangar shall have both of the following features:

(1) An aircraft access door height of 8.5 m (28 ft) or less

(2) A single fire area for specific types of construction in accordance with Table 4.1.2 of NFPA 409

A Group III hangar shall have both of the following features:

(1) An aircraft access door height of 8.5 m (28 ft) or less

(2) A single fire area that measures up to the maximum square footage permitted for specific types of construction in accordance with Table 4.1.3 of NFPA 409

A Group IV aircraft hangar shall be a structure constructed of a membrane-covered rigid steel frame.

Airforce hangars utilize a BFZ inductor, whereas Army Corps of Engineers utilize ILBP proportioners / foam pumps.

Sprinkler Breakdown Factor (Rs)


Step 3 - Enter the Building Dimensions What's This?


Enter either the length and width of the area to be protected or enter the total square footage.

NFPA 409 requires a minimum depth of 3 ft. per minute

Enter either the length and width of the area to be protected or enter the total square footage.

The UFC requires a minimum depth of 3.2 ft. in (4) minutes, per 3-6.17.1

Step 4 - Specify Air SupplyWhat's This?

NFPA 409 requires the use of outside air.

In the event you would like to utilize inside air, you will need to obtain permission from the AHJ as this does not conform with NFPA 409!

Utilizing inside air will also incur an additional 20% penalty / safety factor in the R factor calculation.

UFC requires the use of inside air.

Step 5 - Specify Leakage Factor (CL) What's This?

The Leakage Factor is for compensation for loss of foam due to leakage around doors and windows through unclosable openings.

This factor shall not be permitted to be less than 1.0 even for a structure completely tight below the design filling depth.

This factor shall be permitted to be as high as 1.2 for a building with all openings normally closed, depending on foam expansion ratio, sprinkler operation, and foam depth.

The Leakage Factor is for compensation for loss of foam due to leakage around doors and windows through unclosable openings.

Per the UFC 3-6.18.1:

This factor shall not be less than 2.0 for hangar bays less than 15,000 ft².

This factor shall not be less than 2.5 for hangar bays between 15,000 and 30,000 ft².

This factor shall not be less than 3.0 for all other hangar bays.

Step 6 - Specify Safety Factor for Foam ConcentrateWhat's This?

Viking recommends a minimum safety factor of 15% to account for overdischarge

Duration (min)

Foam Concentrate

If designing to NFPA 409, a 12-minute duration will appear.

Foam concentrate will be a 3% for either design standard.

If designing to the UFC, a 15-minute duration will appear.

Foam concentrate will be a 3% for either design standard.

Step 7 - Choose Generator What's This?

Please input an area to protect!


This is where you choose the foam generator to use at a specific flow and pressure.

NFPA 409 requires the use of outside air, therefore, a Roof Curb/Vent option is available with the generator.

This is where you choose the foam generator to use at a specific flow and pressure.

UFC design does not require the use of outside air.


Single w/ Roof Curb


Paired w/ Roof Curb

Step 8 - Choose Generator Pressure

In order to continue, please select the pressure wanted from the list by selecting a row below.

In order to continue, please select the pressure wanted from the list by selecting a row below.

Generator Model PSI CFM per Unit Required Units Rounded Unit Quantity Flow Rate [GPM] Total Flow Rate [GPM] Min. Concentrate [USG] Min. Concentrate for (1) 4 Min Test [USG]

Calculation Key

V = Total Foam Volume (ft³) = Area (ft²) x Foam Depth (ft) = 0 x 3 = 0

T = Submergence Time (min) = 1

Rs = Foam breakdown by sprinklers (ft³) = 0

Ca = Inside Air Factor = 1.0

Cn = Shrinkage Factor = 1.15

CL = Leakage Factor = 1.0

R = ((V / T) + Rs) x Cn x CL x Ca

R = ((0 / 1) + 8.3) x 1.15 x 1.0 x 1.0